The beautiful model-turned-actor, sat with Grazia Pakistan and took us through her journey of success and spilled some fitness beans!
PHOTOGRAPHER & RETOUCHING: Amanda Akokhia | @amanda_akokhia_ photo
MODEL: Julia Rosa | @juliarosaofficial
MAKEUP: Nicki Buglewicz | @Nickibugs
HAIR: Isabelle Hyde | @isseyhyde
STYLIST: Rebekah Roy | @Rebekahroy_
SET DESIGN: Lottie | @lottienot
PR: GLS PR | @Glspr_

Julia: I come from a little peaceful village in Austria,from there I straight went to the big dazzling city of Tokyo. I started modeling by coincidence when accompanying my friend to a model agency. I only ended up there because she was too nervous to audition alone!
Julia: My work! I see it as an art form. I never chased fame, I always wanted to do the best I can. I can most definitely see myself behind the camera, aswell!

Grazia: Julia, can you describe yourself in 3 words?
Julia: Determined. Perfectionist. Modest.
Grazia: Tell us your fitness routine. Do you follow a special diet? How are you able to maintain your fitness with such a busy schedule?
Julia: I work out every morning for around 2 hours. I am mostly raw-vegan: 90% vegetables and fruits, nuts and seeds. I will hardly ever eat meat, sweets or junk food.
I am also always careful and avoid getting too busy, since being stressed is extremely bad physically as well as mentally. In order to remain fit, you must look after your mental health.

Grazia: Any advice that you would like to give to aspiring models and actors?
Julia: Don’t listen to others, you must believe in yourself!
Don’t tell others about your dreams, rather show them the results!