Models: Jess Angeles @Jesangeles_, Jared Brady @enjoyjaredbrady
Director/Stylist: Sara Ashary @saraatonin_
Photographer: Steven Lee @stevenoclock
MUAs: Laura Kim @Laurakim8, Hannah Jaclyn @hannahjaclynmua
Choreographer: Lexi Zdanov @lexizdanov
Lighting: Nicole Tchounga @nicoletchounga
BTS: Cory Wright @corywrightphotography
Black & White Stripe Shirt: H&M
Red Plaid Pants: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Converse
Yellow Crop Sweater: Urban Outfitters
Green Maxi Dress: H&M
Black Boots: All Saints
Bag: WeDú
Yellow Trench Coat: WeDú (The Holographic trench coat he wears in some solo
pictures is also WeDú)
Black and White Checkered
Shirt: J.Crew
Blue Pants: WeDú
Blue Striped Blouse: H&M
Black and White Skirt: H&M
Pink Heels: H&M
Plaid Blazer: Massimo Dutti
Stripe Sweater: Urban Outfitters
Plaid Pants: Topshop
Shoes: H&M
Red Plaid Shirt: ASOS
Pants: H&M
Plaid Blazer: H&M
Shoes: All Saints