Home Beauty Nail Care at Home

Nail Care at Home

by Maham Asif

Quarantine has enabled all of us to take a break from the hustle and bustle of our busy lives and adopt a new way of life, we have been blessed with a chance to revisit our forgotten passions, bond with our family, and most importantly quarantine has given us a chance to immerse ourselves in self-care.

Household chores such as washing dishes, cooking and gardening can make hands dry and nails brittle, here are our top 5 tips for anyone struggling with brittle nails.

Get gloves
Cleaning dishes in hot and soapy water can weaken the nails, while getting dirt embedded in nail beds while gardening requires a level of cleaning that is best to avoid. Wearing gloves is the key to not only healthy nails, but also smooth hands.
Rubber, vinyl, nitrile, or plastic gloves are an essential for this quarantine period, they are easily available at any grocery story for under Rs.300.

Eat Healthy
You are what you eat! A healthy diet is integral for a healthy body. Your fingernails are made of a protein called keratin, add protein-rich foods like beans, fish, and nuts, such as, Almonds, along with Vitamin E and fish oil to your diet to achieve healthier and stronger nails.

Moisturize your hands and nails regularly
Regular hand washing or use of hand sanitizer can dry out the skin and nail bed quickly, so try to moisturize after every wash, if possible. Make sure you work the moisturizer into the cuticles and nails.
You can also make a mixture of almond and avocado oil to keep cuticles and nails hydrated, during summer season.

Use a Cuticle Softener to Avoid Brittle Nails
Apple Cider acts as a natural cuticle softener, dip your hands in a mixture of diluted apple cider mixed with a few drops of Coconut Oil or any other essential oil. Soak your nails in the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Then gently push back by cuticles with a cuticle pusher and wash hands thoroughly.
Afterwards, massage Coconut Oil into your nails for softer cuticles. Add 2 drops on each cuticle and work in the oil with your thumb. Do this 2-3 times a week for healthy-looking nails.

Give your nails a break
Most importantly choose nail strength over nail length, this the perfect opportunity to give your nails a breather and instead of putting on gel or acrylic nails, practice our tips to achieve strong and healthy nails.
You can still paint your nails at home, to add some color to your life, but remember to use a basecoat and top coat, to protect your nails and make your nail polish last longer!

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