Home Entertainment Five Reasons Why You Must Watch Enola Holmes Right Now

Five Reasons Why You Must Watch Enola Holmes Right Now

by Kazan Khan

One of Netflix’s biggest movies ever, Enola Holmes is a bright and breezy take on the life of Sherlock Holmes’ sister and stars Millie Bobby Brown and Henry Cavill in the lead— that’s one reason to watch it already

It’s difficult to write something new for Sherlock Holmes. The character has been around for so long that it becomes difficult to take him in any further interesting direction. That being said, this year’s Enola Holmes managed to do just that, finally presenting its audience with something new and refreshing.

The film follows 16 year old Enola Holmes, sister of the famed detective as she travels to London to look for her mother who has gone missing. The film is a fantastic viewing for just about anyone and these are just some of the reasons why:

The Production Design

Before a film can invest us in its story, it needs to establish its world as a believable environment. It should transport us into a different time and place which Enola Holmes does perfectly. Taking place in 1900 Victorian England, you truly feel as if you’ve been transported to that era. From the outfits to the books that adorn the shelves, it’s all meticulously crafted to truly make us believe in this fictional story allowing us to suspend our disbelief when the events in the story start ramping up.

An Intriguing Mystery

Of course, one of the main reasons anyone comes to a Sherlock Holmes story is because the character promises enthralling mystery and this is no different. Without spoiling the film, it runs two mysteries simultaneously both connected narratively as well as thematically. Throughout the film you’re wondering how these two stories will connect and when they do it makes perfect sense making the last 40 minutes of the film feel tense and exciting!

Brings Sherlock back to his Roots

As previously stated, Sherlock Holmes is a character who has been around for a long time, which allows the character to constantly be re-contextualised every generation. This is why it’s refreshing when director Harry Bradbeer brings Holmes back to his roots. In contrast to the BBC’s more popular Sherlock, this Sherlock is simpler in nature which shines the spotlight on Enola as she goes on the more exciting adventures often associated with the original detective.

While also fleshing him out

While it is true that the character was brought back to his roots, the film also succeeds in giving some insight into how the Sherlock we all know and love came to be. The film spends times time in his old childhood home while also touching on his upbringing. This gives us context as to why Sherlock is the way he is and seeing Enola develop as a character allows us to draw parallels between the two characters, almost making the film a Sherlock origin story.

Enola’s story is must see

As much as we talk about Sherlock, this is Enola’s story. Being the instigator of the film, she takes initiative in order to find her mother. Her story is a heartwarming tale about finding your path in a time and place where you aren’t accepted. If you are a parent with a young daughter, we urge you to show this film to her. As the world is changing, we need our kids to have role models in their entertainment that may inspire them to find their own path. This above all other reasons is why you should watch Enola Holmes.

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