Sheetal Dewan Kapur's strong intuitive predictions have guided many celebrities over the years and here is your chance to get to know more about her.
Grazia: Could you tell us a little about how you realized you were gifted? When was it, how old were you, where were you?
Sheetal Dewan: I did always feel different from everyone else growing up. As a child I could sense more, the dogs in the house were my close companions and still choose to be. My mother always narrates an incident of when I was two years old, I held onto my aunt’s tummy and said “kaka hai” nobody knew that she was pregnant. I have also been told that I had an imaginary friend I would speak to in a language no one understood and making me sleep was apparently a nightmare for everyone in the house as all I wanted to do was talk the night away – not to my parents but rather to the walls and the ceiling.
Growing up was eventful, animals were my confidants and humans felt like aliens. People were and till today are a jigsaw puzzle to me, one that I feel the need to solve for no one else but myself.
Whether one calls it an intuition or a gift, it is a sense that has always sat behind the scene coming to light whenever I was terribly sad or ridiculously angry. I figured later that an intense emotion made me susceptible to picking up information from another that they held close to them and I did use it to especially torture my older cousins by picking up their boyfriends frequency without anyone knowing it and then of course blackmailing them with it.

Grazia: Was there an incident in particular that made you notice that you are gifted?
Sheetal Dewan: It got stronger post 2003 after my grandfather passed away. I remember I was sitting on the porch in peak winter at about 3am, when I felt him walk towards me, a part of me thought he was alive walking back from the hospital. He sat down next to me, like he always did, dressed in a white kurta pajama and we had a long conversation. When I look back at it, I honestly think I had lost my mind, but we spoke about studies, about me and I distinctly remember him saying “every disappointment in your life will push you to another appointment with success”; so enjoy your disappointment and be ready for success. It is so strange that I knew that his passing would make this gift potent and that is what it did. I started sensing the world around me far stronger than I used to. It’s been quite a journey with my gift, to harness it, to value it and most importantly to respect it.
Being near dogs has always grounded me, they have always protected me. They are the stability to my craziness. And being a dog parent of the three naughty babies that I have helps me cope with the chaos of this gift.
Grazia: What are the most common concerns that people come to you with? Do they want to know about their future? Do they want guidance in their career/marriage?
Sheetal Dewan: “Everyone wants to be valued”, that is the common thread in all the sessions I have done till date. I do meet all kinds of people, with various kinds of queries about their future. Some seek me out of a need, yet some are simply curious to know their future.
I look at a chart and tell them everything I sense and then they can ask me any number of questions they may have.
There are also times when ancestors, who have passed, walk into a session wanting to give messages to their loved ones. I recently had a grandmother of a client walk in who affirmed that she was indeed the stylish of the lot and repeatedly asked her granddaughter to dress better. She was quite stern when it happened but once she left, we had a hearty laugh and my client is gorgeous, yet her ancestor affirmed that she should make more effort towards her appearance.
Having said that, I respect all my clients equally because the problems that people come with are big issues in their heads and if I can be of any help to them to resolve or try to comfort them it makes me feel good.
Grazia: How do you see the next few months for all the different signs? July, August September – what should we look out for? What should we essentially focus on? Which signs will do financially, emotionally, and physically well?
Sheetal Dewan: This year heightens the frequency of consolidation, it asks us to introspect within. The essence of the year is that “the old will be released for the new to enter”. Speaking one’s truth would be considered sacrosanct, not only about the world we live in, but also about how we want to stand our ground in personal relationships.
To understand this year, we must pay attention to the eclipse that occurred on the 10th of June. The best way for me to describe an eclipse is for you to envision that you are standing on the edge of a mountain top, which has a bridge. This bridge is made for you to move to the other mountain; it is rickety but you shall be compelled to cross this bridge from the 27th of May 2021 and land to the other side on the 10th of June. As you reach the other side, the bridge behind you will collapse and you will never be able to go back to that earlier mountain again in your life.
The eclipse in June is the starting point of a portal that comes to an end in October 2022.
It will propel us to enter a new territory emotionally and professionally, we shall be compelled to adapt to a new ecosystem. Hierarchies will change, overcompensation in relationships will stop, excitement and fear of the unknown will come to the surface. There shall be immense spiritual growth and Saturn will show us the world as is. The rose-tinted glasses come off this year and reality shall come to the surface.

There are two important transits in the next 3 months.
2nd of June to the 20th of July
Planetary positions for this period denote high emotional drama.
Individuals born on the 1st, 10th, 11th, 19th, and 20th this period is ideally beneficial for you. It helps you to gather your strength professionally. There is a lot of planning and introspection awaiting you this month. Identify your strengths, learn to be gentle while giving orders to family members. Identify your professional obstacles and be cautious in spending.
For people born on the 11th and 19th please pay attention to your partners’ needs. They may feel lost and alone. Communicate with love.
For Individuals born on the 1st and 28th please pay extra attention to your fathers’ health – small issues may lead into bigger ones. You shall require a lot of appreciation in your personal life; instead of asking it from others, learn to first look within and be kind to yourself.
For individuals born on the 4th and 13th your mind shall move in different directions and you may feel frustrated and confused about the coming times. Learn to balance your thoughts for it is not what you think will manifest but what you feel. Your relationships with younger siblings shall turn to the better, listen to what the environment is telling you. Do not react.
For people born on the 22nd, and the 31st of a month this is without a doubt a period to be patient. With yourself and those around you. Take baby steps in relationships and try not to go on a guilt trip as your emotions shall run high.
For people born on the 8th and 17th please realign yourself personally and look at your passions, for they will make you successful. Great time for individuals born on the 26th they shall strategize and use this period to the best of their ability. Just do not procrastinate.
For people who are born on the 3rd, 5th, 12th and 15th , there will be an undercurrent of irritation and anxiety coming up in personal equations, you will contradict yourself. This is the time to not take unwarranted risks professionally. Especially if you’re born on the 15th Keep your head down and bum up at work. Listen to what the world is telling you, now is not the time to open your cards to another situation.
For people who are born on the 12th, 21st, 23rd and the 30th be aware of how you are feeling, June and July create a certain frequency of loneliness for you, you may feel caged in and troubled by another’s impressions of you. This is a time to take time off from controversial matters and focus on the most important matter – “That is you.” Be playful, enjoy life and leave troubles for another time.
For people who are born on the 6th and the 20th there shall be high seasons of dramatics running in your household and you will feel you are at a crossroads professionally. Pay attention to the needs of the family in June as July will come as a professional rollercoaster where you may not have time to breathe.
For people who are born on the 15th, 24th, 29th and 31st people around you may say one thing and do another. Yet do not react, this is the time to gather your strength emotionally and mentally and make that solid plan you have been procrastinating about. The details are important but execution of work even more so once you move from the 25th of June. So do not waste time with silly people, make your plans and then put them into action.
For people who are born on the 7th and the 31st emotions will be on the high and relationships in the home ground shall exhaust you. You cannot please everyone so take a breather. Pay close attention to your financial plans. For those who want to start a business this is the right time to network to meet people and execute plans.
For people who are born on the 9th, 18th and the 27th even though you like to always be in charge there is a hidden romantic side of you that comes about in this period, expectations will be high so explore this part of yourself and enjoy it. This is not a time to look at speeding work matters as there will be delays and obstructions. Let the 24th of July pass, it shall ease out professionally then.
24 July to 16th September
Individuals born on the first 10th, 11th, 19th, and 20th this period is ideally a time to make decisions in the home ground. It is the right time to create a routine and pay attention to your personal passions. Take that leap of faith and do not dissect your thoughts. Parents shall need some attention directed to them, especially people born on the 19th and 1st you pay attention to your partners, listen to them, they have a lot to say to you. People born on the 10th you must ease the relationship between you and your parents. There’s a lot to process emotionally so speak your truth.
For people born on the 11th and 19th your frequency is opening up to attract a lot of financial prosperity, be focused and take the opportunities the month of August presents you with.
For Individuals born on the 1st and 28th please pay extra attention to your emotions, make time for yourself. Smile, you have the power to change your circumstances by using positive affirmations.
For individuals born on the 4th and 13th be assertive about how you feel in your heart, be clear and be kind. It’s time to make important decisions for the future and you need to be focused on your end goal. September shall present you with travel and work opportunities that show up on your horizon. Learn to be clear about your professional decisions and balance your home ground. Your relationships with a female in your household may create dramatics, now is not the time to get involved in a cat fight.
For people born on the 22nd, and the 31st this period urges you to be cautious of deceit and distribution, being sensitive will not help you right now. Be cautious dealing with government bodies and investigate all paperwork. No point signing anything without reading it.
For people born on the 8th and 17th please continue to realign yourself personally and look at your finances and business professionals must pay attention to the politics circulating in your offices and put it to an end. Make strong financial plans and stick to them; this period will enable you to get all your ducks in a row and plan for a more constructive future financially. Individuals born on the 24th please finish what you start professionally, start that business, put your plans into action, strategies and use this period to the best of your ability. Don’t get overwhelmed.
For people who are born on the 3rd, 5th, 12th and 15th, take care of your health, create that exercise regime you have been talking about. Do not let overeating become your coping mechanism. Make a personal plan and stick to it. For people born on the 30th breathe, you don’t like interference, yet you let loved ones interfere, please learn to say ‘no’. Communicate with clarity with lovers and hold your ground. Children born on the 15th it’s time to fly and make your dreams into reality. Think high, think big and let the universe guide you.
For people who are born on the 12th, 21st, 23rd it’s for you to create the life you would love to wake up to. Pay keen attention to your feelings. Make those plans concrete, friends will support you, parents want you happy. Your constant laziness hinders your growth. Take some time in this period and make the necessary changes and be happy. Especially those born on the 30th the secret to your future is hidden in your daily routine, be aware of how to treat yourself. The name calling must stop. September going into November is a great time for you to start that business or project you have been oscillating about. Romantic relations become stronger post November and singles’ marriage blessings may ring your way.
For people who are born on the 6th you need to pay close attention to your mother, she may have a lot to say to you. Some good, some bad, some completely repetitive but strengthen your relationship there. For people born on the 20th you are a caretaker and if you want to fly then it’s time you give up everything that weighs you down. Pay attention to your needs, learn to love yourself and flirt your heart away.
For people who are born on the 15thand 24th you’re moving into a favourable period, pay attention to your needs, wants and desires. You are in control of your environment mentally and physically. It’s time to look at the markets to make some money. Individuals born on the 29th and 31st create solidarity in your relationships. Stop flowing, take a stand, either you’re in it or out. Please be conscientious of your finances, now is not the time to take chances. Here a big risk may not lead to a bigger return, instead it may lead you towards a loss.
For people who are born on the 7th and the 31st your honesty is a rare commodity and it’s time you use it well. Singles looking for a relationship please note that here comes your way is an opportunity to meet a fiery, mentally stimulating individual, so enjoy this person and don’t look at him or her in a sense of finality.
For people who are born on the 9th, 18th and the 27th your relationships with family shall face some disappointment and you may feel that there is no point in believing in anything or anyone. Here is where you need to make a mental note and start to let go of the expectation that you hold of others and start to see within yourself as to what your expectations are with self. Start reinvesting within yourself. It’s a period of realizing your own power.
Grazia: Could you explain to us how your readings are conducted Do they need to be in person? Do you work through numerology and tarots as well as vibrations? Please explain your process.
Sheetal Dewan Kapur: As a clairvoyant or a medium, I choose to attune myself to the client’s frequency through their date of birth, every number on this date builds a road map in front of me, which helps me decipher a person’s lineage, personality, potential in work, relationships, and what sort of energies they attract, what patterns they repeat. It also enables me to understand the red flags and the roadblocks.
I use a couple of mediums to understand an individual’s chart. Tarot is and will always be my first love, the energetic frequency of the cards help me decipher personalities, relationships and hidden feelings the fastest. It is a wonderful tool if you want to see how someone feels and how they attract the same patterns in different situations repeatedly.
Numerology is the science of numbers and it helps me understand the true potential one holds, the karmic connections we have. Astrology is a gift from my great grandfather. Each time I look at a date of birth it starts singing to me, I may not understand why I say it and now I don’t question it, I look at it as a message that needs to be delivered like a postwoman. I am a student of esoteric sciences, however the gift reigns supreme.
I pick up the energies from an individual’s date of birth and the sound of their voice makes it stronger, it’s important for me to hear you. It doesn’t matter if you are sitting in a room with me or in another city or country.