Home Blogs 5 Ways To Instantly Get Rid Of Headaches

5 Ways To Instantly Get Rid Of Headaches

by Nashmia Amir Butt

It's a busy busy world, even if it's a world where we are working from home, we are still caught up with a lot on our plate. Headaches are an extermely common occurrence in our lives. Sometimes they are due to the result of some underlying medical condition, but often, they are simply due to the stress, dehydration, a late work night, or late night movie binges... could honestly be due to any reason at all!

While there are many treatments that help reduce headaches, including over-the-counter ibuprofen for instance, they don’t always help us. Here we have a list of hacks that have most certainly worked for us and we hope they do the trick for you and rid you of the stinging headache!

The most common reason for headaches is a bad sleeping schedule or the lack or too much of sleep. If you have reoccuring headaches, please make sure you keep a check on your sleeping pattern. Go to sleep at a decent time every night and make sure you give yourself at least 7 to 8 hours of uninterupted sleep.

Dehydration can contribute to a headache and so it can easily be avoided. Get in the habit of roaming about with a bottle of water. That way you constantly remind yourself to stay hydrated.
Drinking too much coffee or too many caffeine-filled soft drinks can lead to headaches. So keep a check on your caffiene intake and if you are expierencing headaches often, try to cut down on your caffiene as much as possible.

Start by finding a quiet place with a comfortable spot in your home where you will not be disturbed. Then take slow, rhythmic breaths, breathing in for five seconds then out for five seconds. As you relax, you will notice that your muscle tightness will begin to relax.

Try giving some soothing teas a try. A hot cup of nice herbal tea will always help you relax your mind and body after a long working day. The soothing qualities have pain-relieving effects. Our favorites include chamomile and ginger.

Massage is always therapeutic! You dont always have to go to a fancy massage salon, try massaging your head yourself. Gently in circular motions massage your scalp, massage your forehead, your ears. Keep your eyes shut throughout and be sure to be sitting in a dark room. What tends to help me mostly is when i put a little bit of vicks on my forehead and then massage my head, the minty smell works like magic with the pressure of my hands! Some smells have been reported to soothe and reduce headaches. These include peppermint extract, eucalyptus, and lavender oil.

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