In recent light of events a lot has come to the surface. A lot that had been brushed under the carpet for way too long. A certain student from a well-renowned school in the city of Karachi has spent years harassing a number of students.
Why this individual has not been charged, is beyond our understanding. Aren’t schools meant to be spaces for our children to grow? Where they can feel safe and protected? Where they can feel valued and encouraged to excel? How did such an individual get away with committing so many crimes? Crimes that have scarred young minds for years to come. What is our role in the society when it comes to such atrocities?

Numerous students came forward and shared the horrific struggles they faced. It took them so long to speak up, to know that they aren’t alone in this. They were verbally assaulted. They were physically assaulted. They were mentally tortured, by one person. A person who they thought was one of them. A person who was a part of their school. A person some of them confided in. That same person turned around and managed to manipulate them and take advantage of their innocence.

We must take away the taboo that surrounds abuse, we must protect our children! We must constantly remind them that we are there to protect them. That if anyone, ever makes them feel unsafe, they must come and tell us. They must constantly be reminded that an open conversation will never ever lead to any form of judgment. We, as parents, need to work towards making our children feel safe.

We are a unit. We, as a society, must work together to make an example of this perpetrator. If we don’t do it now, how are we to assure our children their safety? The school must take an action. For the sake of the children who faced these abuses. For the sake of our future generations.
We must stand united.