Home Beauty Get Curls And Waves With Minimal Effort!

Get Curls And Waves With Minimal Effort!

by Zara Hassan

Recently, I’ve gotten tired of my straight hair and now I’m starting to prefer curly or wavy hair. It’s a common misconception that curly hair is high maintenance and requires a lot of effort to make it look tamed and not frizzy. But in reality, you can get the perfect curly or wavy hair without putting much effort, and yes, it is that easy!


Sleep-in Braided Ponytail

First, brush your hair thoroughly and make sure there are no knots or tangles.
Use a small spray and damp your hair with water. Make sure your hair is slightly wet and partially dry. Do not completely wet your hair

Tie your hair into a high ponytail. Then create one long braid from the end of your ponytail.
Once you’ve created the braid, remove the hair tie that is holding your ponytail in place. Now you should have a messy looking braid that starts from the top of your head.
Don’t panic, it is supposed to look weird, and yes, your hair will begin to become undone, but it doesn’t matter. Keep the braid over night to get the best results.
Once your hair is no longer damp, and it is the next day, open your braid and you’ll have your heatless waves! Use anti-frizz or softening serums to make sure your waves last longer!

Sleep-in Braids

After brushing your hair, get a spray and damp your hair slightly with water.
Now divide your hair into two parts, preferably with a middle parting.
Create two braids, one on each side of your shoulder, starting from below your ear.
Leave these braids in overnight for longer lasting waves. When opening your braids, make sure to apply any sort of serum to remove the frizz and to make sure they look less messy.

Shower Curls

After taking a nice, refreshing shower, brush your hair thoroughly removing any knots or tangles.
Apply curling serum or leave in conditioners to get stronger and long-lasting curls (optional).
After you’ve applied some sort of serum (optional), and while your hair is still wet, begin scrunching up your hair and holding these scrunches up for 20-30 seconds.

Repeat this process of scrunching your hair with your hands until your hair appears to be curly. This can take approximately from around 10 mins to even 30 mins. It all depends upon your hair and how curly you want it to be.
Now, once you’re done, leave your hair to dry and you should have your curly hair in no time.

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