Home Culture & Lifestyle 5 Ways To Help Cope With Stress

5 Ways To Help Cope With Stress

by Ahmed Gaffar Moon

People can learn to manage stress and lead happier and healthier lives. Here are some tips to help you keep stress at bay.

It seems like most of us deal with stress in our daily lives, from the elderly to even young children. Low grade, long term or acute stress takes a serious toll on your body and mind but managing stress is all about taking charge and trust me you have a lot more control than you might think.


Exercise doesn’t necessarily mean training for a marathon or power lifting. A short walk around the neighborhood or stretching for a few minutes can provide immediate relief in stressful situations. Moving your body releases endorphins which can improve one’s mood.

Connect with supportive people

According to a research, speaking to someone in person releases hormones that can reduce stress. Lean on those good listeners in your life and let it out of your system for good.

Eat Well and Healthy

Many people start depending on alcohol, cigarettes or caffeine and it does relieve stress temporarily but can have a negative impact in the long term. Well-nourished bodies cope better so start with a good breakfast by adding more organic fruits and vegetables and avoid sugar and processed food. Last but not least, drink more water.

Sleep better

This is the most effective stress buster on our list. Stress can cause you to lose sleep and that just makes everything around us worse and more stressful so keep your phone aside, switch the TV off and dim the lights earlier and get the doctor recommended 7-8 hours of sleep and you will wake up relaxed.


Stress is an inevitable part of life, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore it. Untreated stress can cause serious mental and physical health problems. If negative thoughts overwhelm your ability to make positive changes, it’s time to seek professional help. Make an appointment as soon as possible (Remember, it doesn’t make you weak but stronger and healthier instead). Your life and health are worth it.

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