2020 has really changed everything around us including our education system but if there is one thing that college students have in common are the thoughts they have during online classes. The lectures have you day dreaming about things like can I graduate already? The struggle is real. Here are some thoughts that all of us have had during online classes amid the pandemic.
I don’t even understand what I’m learning
It’s been an hour since the class has started and now it’s time for the professor to ask if the students have any questions. Even though most of us feel like we really don’t get the lecture but don’t bother asking as the question would be to ask if the teacher can repeat everything they’ve just said and that would really tick them off.
Class even though right not it is literally in your own room, is one place where hunger takes over and once it does you just cannot stop thinking about the food you could be eating instead of taking notes or at least pretending to.
The Weekend
Can it be Friday already? Its only Tuesday but the struggle is so real that you cannot wait for your weekend break to recover before starting it all over again #TGIF
Is it time to take a nap?
Taking online classes in your room near your bed while you really do not understand what’s going on is form of torture only students who have early morning classes understand. The easiest escape is to leave your class on and take a nap, and most of us are guilty of doing so.
When will this class end?
Class seems like it lasts for an eternity. It feels like 45 minutes have gone by and you decide to check the watch with hope only to find out its only been five minutes and then your next decision is to not check the watch for a while since time passes by faster in class if you just stop checking the watch and accept that you have to be here until it ends.