Home Beauty 5 kitchen items that will give you hair like Rapunzel!

5 kitchen items that will give you hair like Rapunzel!

by Ayeza Irfan

We all dream to have strong, shiny and frizz free hair! That usually is our ultimate goal when we follow any haircare routine.

 It is convenient for us to blame the rising pollution and chemical-based hair products for taking a severe toll on our beautiful locks. We all know that damaged hair is an outcome of a number of factors, including unhealthy lifestyle and dietary habits, inadequate or untimely sleeping hours, and high stress levels.
The good news is you needn’t go too far, these 5 ingredients from your humble kitchen pantry can come to your aid to treat dry hair and bring back its lost shine and softness.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
When diluted with water, ACV is not only an effective clarifier used to deeply cleanse hair without over drying it but can also be used as a final rinse to close the hair cuticle, restore pH levels and promote shiny hair.

Our hair requires protein called keratin and eggs are a vital source of protein so why not give them a try! Mix 2 eggs with some yogurt and apply  it to your hair. I swear it does wonders.

Olive oil
Olive oil is rich in Vitamin E which makes your hair strong and prevents hair fall. Massaging your hair regularly with olive oil can also fix the problem of split ends.

Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds are loaded with nutrients that not only promote hair growth but also improve the texture of the hair when used regularly. To prepare a pack for hair growth, blend half cup soaked fenugreek seeds with one tablespoon aloe vera gel, a tablespoon of coconut oil and a few drops of rosemary oil. Apply this to your scalp, allow it to rest for 30-40 minutes before washing it off.

Onion juice helps improve hair growth by boosting the level of an antioxidant enzyme called catalase. This enzyme helps decompose hydrogen peroxide, optimizing the hair growth cycle.

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