Home Beauty 4 essential oils you must own to improve your skin

4 essential oils you must own to improve your skin

by Pakhi Rajesh Kumar Dixit

We all love essential oils, don’t we? And for obvious reasons - they help us fight anxiety and stress! But other than the aromatherapy applications, they are very beneficial for our skin too. Here are four essential oils your skin will thank you for!

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree oil is undoubtedly the mother of all essential oils used around the world. It is used by everyone – from #fashionistas and beauty experts for their skin, in saunas for the calming effect and doctors for aromatic healing. It is one of the most magnificent healing oils because of antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties. The antioxidant component helps in fast recovery and wound healing and it also helps in reducing blemishes, pimples or acne scars. It is very frequently used as an alternative to many synthetic beauty products. It can also be applied to improve the health of your nails and hair alongside your skin.
Use diluted tea tree oil with a carrier oil such as coconut or almond. For every 1-2 drops of tea tree oil add 11-12 drops of a carrier oil and then apply. Do not apply it directly on your skin. You can also opt to buy an already diluted one. Be consistent for one month at least for significant results.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is primarily antibacterial in nature and thus it successfully prevents and heals skin breakouts. It unclogs pores and reduces inflammation when you put it on your skin. To use lavender oil for acne, dilute it in coconut oil or another carrier oil and apply it to your skin after washing your face.
Lavender oil also aids in skin lightening by reducing inflammation. It reduces discoloration and fades dark spots. It also helps lessen blotchiness and redness. It is an organic solution to hyperpigmentation.

Cedarwood Oil

Cedarwood oil is both anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial thus making it beneficial for skin conditions like acne. Supplementing traditional acne treatments with Cedarwood is helpful for alleviating and reducing repeated breakouts. Use Cedarwood oil as an acne treatment by adding two or three drops to 3 teaspoons of a noncomedogenic carrier oil (the one which does not cause blocked pores. For example, if you have oily skin, avoid using coconut oil) and applying it to your skin for 20 minutes once or twice a week. It is also beneficial for other skin conditions such as reducing the appearance of scars, treat minor cuts, and sooth symptoms of eczema. It is a sure shot spot treatment on pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. Dilute the oil, apply it to your skin and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing. 
Other than this, if used as an aromatherapy treatment, Cedarwood oil is slightly sedative in nature therefore making it beneficial for alleviating occasional insomnia. Try using Cedarwood oil as an aromatherapy treatment or add a few drops to a hot bath prior to going to bed.

Chamomile Oil

Chamomile is a powerful anti-inflammatory and calming essential oil which can be used as an ingredient to help soothe and even out your complexion and skin tone. If you have a sensitive and irritation prone skin or acne, Chamomile oil is a great natural remedy to calm your skin. The antioxidant elements present flush out toxins and trigger circulation making effective in skin detox. Getting rid of these from your skin helps prevent acne, blemishes and hyperpigmentation. If you suffer from painful bumps, Chamomile oil is very beneficial in fighting it too. 
It is a very powerful and natural antidepressant with the ability to calm nerves and fight anxiety. You can use Chamomile oil directly (in diluted form) or with a carrier oil such as Jojoba. It is an antiseptic and an antibiotic which helps in preventing infection. It guards the skin from bacteria and does clear up any harmful ones already present.

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